Are Tomatoes Bad For Gout?

Are Tomatoes Bad For gout

Tomatoes And Gout

I love tomatoes. Pizza topping, pasta sauces and salads – there are so many delicious ways to enjoy them.

But pizza. I even made a trip to Naples last year to indulge in my love of Neapolitan pizza – thin, bubbly crust topped with a deliciously tangy tomato sauce.

In Naples they have San Manzano tomatoes, grown on the slopes of mount vesuvius – these are THE best tomatoes in the world!

But whilst they are delicious, what about tomatoes and gout? I wondered are tomatoes good or bad for gout?

Well, it turns out that tomatoes are actually a bit of both.

Some people find that tomatoes can trigger their gout symptoms, while others seem to be able to enjoy them without any trouble.

Good For Gout

Their antioxidants include vitamin C, which can help lower uric acid levels and stabilize inflammatory response.

And the carotenoids found in tomatoes have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and improve immune function, helping to protect against gout flare-ups.

The phytonutrients include lycopene, which is known to have strong antioxidant properties and reduce inflammation in the body.

And they contain other beneficial compounds such as quercetin, which has been shown to reduce pro-inflammatory substances that contribute to gout flare-ups.

Bad For Gout

However, some studies show that lycopene in tomatoes may not be good for everyone with gout.

For example, some people might experience a spike in uric acid levels after eating tomato-based foods, which can trigger a gout flare.

Tomatoes contain another two potential gout triggers: glutamate and phenolic acid.

Glutamate is an amino acid that binds with purines in the body, which can raise uric acid levels and trigger a gout attack.

Phenolic acids are compounds found naturally in fruits and vegetables and are known to increase the risk of gout.

One study, published in the journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders on tomatoes and gout in 2015, found that people who ate more tomatoes were more likely to have gout flares. The researchers found that for every 100 grams of tomatoes that a person ate, their risk of a gout flare increased by 17%.

The study also found that people who ate more tomato products, such as ketchup and tomato juice, were also more likely to have gout flare-ups.

Another study, published on tomatoes and gout in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology in 2017, found that people who ate tomato juice were more likely to have gout flares than people who did not drink tomato juice. The researchers found that for every glass of tomato juice that a person drank, their risk of a gout flare increased by 41%.

Are Tomatoes High In Purines?

Tomatoes are not high in purines which cause uric acid to form. However, tomatoes contain compounds that can raise uric acid levels in the body and potentially trigger a gout attack.

In a study by the Arthritis Research Centre in Australia on tomatoes and gout, researchers found that a specific type of glutamate could potentially aggravate gout symptoms by stimulating inflammatory pathways.

However, in another study by the Gout & Uric Acid Education Society on tomatoes and gout, researchers found that a tomato paste rich in lycopene was actually able to reduce uric acid levels and prevent gout attacks.


So overall, its a bit inconclusive for tomatoes and gout.

Whilst tomatoes do contain compounds that could potentially increase your risk of gout flare-ups, they may also have some beneficial effects for people as well.

So at this point, there’s mixed evidence about whether or not tomatoes are good or bad for gout.

Therefore our Goutometer gives tomatoes and gout a puzzled, head scratching 5/10.

If you have gout, it is a good idea to keep a food journal to track which foods seem to trigger your symptoms. If you find that tomatoes seem to be a trigger for you, you may want to avoid them or limit your intake.

Just make sure to include plenty of other anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, fatty fish, and nuts in your meals as well to help keep those gout flares at bay.

Some clinically proven foods good for gout include tart cherry juice, turmeric extract, lemons and celery seed extract.

Take these daily if you can afford it. If I had to choose one it would be tart cherry as it has the most medical evidence behind it.

And of course, always be sure to speak with your doctor if you’re worried about any aspect of your gout management plan.

Gout can be kept under control eating the right foods and maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

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